Saturday, February 2, 2013

Location Scouting/Sketches

I have a million ideas running through my head, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how I want to go about this project. Since I've lived in Lawrence for 7 years, I was able to draw some sketches from memory to start my location "scouting". Most of the locations I sketched and chose to photograph ended up being places I spend the majority of my time: home, work (two jobs), and school.

The idea behind this location was inspired by my cat, Hank. In terms of my apartment itself, it's really nothing special. My greatest hope with this idea was that I could create something interesting out of a place so ordinary. Whether that could be achieved through the movement of my cat through my windows and front door or through the manipulation of photos with zoom, angle, color, etc., I wasn't entirely sure. But I was curious enough with this idea that it became one of the locations that I photographed.

Preliminary Sketch

Preliminary Photo Collage: 5-7 photos

I've worked at Sunflower for over three and a half years. While there, I would come and go from that familiar building from nearly every direction, almost every day. I'd go north, south, east, and west for my lunch break, errands to the bank, last minute Christmas shopping, you name it, till I had seen the building from every angle possible. My idea set out to show a different perspective on the building by photographing in a semi-circle around the store front, almost with an "in passing" feel to the collage.
Initial Sketches and Photo Collage: 5-7 photos
Preliminary Collage: 5-7 photos
My approach to the photography didn't come together as it had in my head, so I decided that I would leave this idea at the preliminary stage.

This is the second place that I work in downtown Lawrence. I'm a new employee, but I'm not new to the understanding of the vastness and beauty that is inside this bank turned restaurant. It's huge. The high ceilings draw you to look up and when you do, all you see are lights. Lights of different size, shape, height, and brightness that all bring a very intimidate ambiance to the room, making it an ideal place for a special occasions...or for photographing.
My plan was to capture the building from the floor up to the ceiling, where I would slowly work my way up the wall until it looked as though you were standing on the floor looking up at the glowing circles. My sketch showed the lights on the floor, and to be honest, I'm not sure why I organized the collage idea in that manner. After shooting a few shots with my camera, I quickly realized that time of day and the angle I hold my camera would be very important with all these photos. Photographing lights ended up being a lot trickier than I originally thought.

Preliminary Sketch
Initial Sketch with Collage: 5-7 photos

I've passed this tower more times than I can recall. I've walked under it for the first time as a graduate of KU and now I stand before it again as a new student in a new program. I love this tower. The limestone holds so much possibility for color and you can see it transform depending on the time of day. In the morning it's a stark, pale grey and turns to a clean, white in the afternoon, then becomes a soft golden orange at sunset and ends glowing gold once the sun hides behind the horizon. This building held so much potential to depict the changing of time in a large, open space.  I started with a sketch and then snapped a few photos. It was somewhat obvious that I needed to decide what aspect of the overall image I wanted to focus on.

Preliminary Sketch and Collage: 5-7 photos

Preliminary Sketch

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