Friday, April 5, 2013

Constructing a Vessle

Design and build a vessel that holds something of special meaning to you.  Choose a small object that has a connection, memory, or symbolism that is important to you. 
You will construct a lidded, wooden box to hold your object. 

We started by choosing 3 objects that we would consider designing a box around.


My dedication to guitar has fluctuated over the years, but every time I do pull it out of the case, the search for a guitar pic begins. This used to be a ritual, especially when I played guitar on a daily basis. There was a time that I was in a band called The Jenny Mules, and while we were not the next-best thing, it was a part of my life that I look back on fondly. 
Today, I don't play guitar as much as I would like, but when I do, I want to have the ritual of "finding a pic" be a much more organized and fluid motion. For every time I hold this little piece of plastic, it reminds me of a time when this was a part of my every day.

This object is special to me because I use it every day. Each keychain tells a story and each key opens a door to a special place in my life. 

The only problem - I can never find them.

I wanted to design a box that could hold my keys, but also give them a home. The box would be a place where they belonged and would be expected to be.

This was one of my first "significant" purchases I made after I started working full time. I saved my money and I invested in this tiny piece of technology. At the time, I thought this device would solve all my problems: scheduling, organizing work tasks, reading, writing, etc.
Now: I mainly surf the web and read on my Kindle app. And Now: this thing provides me comfort during my busy days. I can find respit on the bus going to class while I read for leisure

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